Saturday, March 9, 2013

I started my life out traveling. I was born in a foreign country, because my father wanted his children to know something of the world.  That is what he told me.  When he realized that a military career could educate his children to other cultures he took advantage of the ability to travel within his chosen profession.  I grew up traveling around Europe.  So I have my father to thank for my wandering spirit and my mother for nurturing it, may they be blessed in their after life.  Even after we returned to the states (U.S.A.) my father kept a National Geographic Magazine subscription for as long as I can remember.

I never lost the love of exploring.  I am forty eight and I have spent my life moving from one place to the other under the guise of bettering myself or changing careers.  I even began online courses two years ago to complete my degree to get a better job so I could afford to ride a camel in Morocco or go deep sea diving in Greece.  Still, I was not happy.

Feeling unhappy, alone, and isolated working twelve hour shifts at night and seeing my grades fall, I decided to make yet another career change.  This time, with all good planning, the deal fell apart and I could not fix it.  I found myself sick, jobless, homeless, and penniless.  Thanks to my brother I found temporary shelter and food with him and his family in Harmony, North Carolina, where I am at the moment.  Here is where I realized that nothing was going to make me happy until I full filled some dreams of my own.  Dreams that belonged only to me and that no one else understood, because they could not feel the draw of need, the pull on my heart to do them.

My dream is to see the world, because long range space flight has not been invented for humans, yet.  I decided that instead of watching reruns of Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Gallactica, Globe Trekker, Rick Steve and Ruddy Maxa, I needed to go on my own trek.  I loved Julia Roberts in "Eat, Pray, Love" (read it two years ago then cried through the movie, alone) and I can relate to the author's state of mind in that she felt empty and had nothing to offer her family and friends.  How can a person be supportive in mind, body, and soul for family and friends when their mind, body, and soul is not supporting self?

So starts the beginning of my adventures.  I decided since I have to be here in Harmony, NC for a bit longer that I would start my blog about my stay here and how plans are coming along to get moving down the road.  Also, there is another person that will be joining me and I have to give time for all their ducks to get lined up.  I hope you will stay tuned and give me your insights, thoughts, and opinions on anything you deem relevant and to the Wanderers I hope to be joining you soon, so save two places around the fire for me.    

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