Monday, March 11, 2013

How I am Preparing For My Adventures

Doing Your Homework

Part of preparing for anything is the planning process.  Even getting up for the day has a plan.  You might think that you just roll out of the bed, shower, and get dressed, but that is not the case.  From the time you begin your life your parents/care givers model the behavior that teaches you how to live your life.  That is Psychology 101.  Subconsciously you have a plan for what to do when you get up in the morning.  If that were not true, do you think that when the weekend comes you would have to tell yourself to sleep in?  When you tell yourself to sleep in, you make another plan. So before undertaking this journey my partner and I need a plan.  In order to make a plan we have to research and learn what it is we need to make this a success.

A lot of good resources are online and free.  Plan on reading and reading a lot.  This was some sage advise from Nora Dunn of  I started by brainstorming words for what I wanted to do and the life I wanted to lead.  I started searching ideas like "making a living online", "how to travel and make money", "living green",  "living like a globe trekker".  I know it sounds funny, but the ideas that you have can lead you to where you need to be.

 I began to find buzz words for what I wanted to do.  One of those words is "location independent".  Well, it is actually two words, but let us push on.  Location independent means being able to conduct business from where ever you are in the world.  Now that sounded like something I needed to be able to do if I wanted to travel.  If you have a skill that you can translate into an online business or commodity to be sold, then you can generate an income that will help pay your way.

Finding your talent is something you have to do.  Just like I am trying to find mine.  I am ever hopeful that it is something I love to do like reading and writing.  I could read books for a living.  That will be my next search.  I will let you know how it is coming along.  Happy Travels.

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