Friday, March 29, 2013

Culture in Harmony, NC

During my stay here in Harmony, NC I did make a friend.  Her name is Janet Harriman.  At the time I met her she was helping to run the Taproot Artisan shop.  This shop is full of hand-made items and products made by local artisans.  There is anything from wine and soaps to wooden children’s toys and jewelry.  Having turned pottery I was interested to see that only two potters were had their wares on display.  I fell in love with the hand-made purses and knotless netting jewelry.  There were even items made from kudzu vines.  If you live in the South you know that kudzu is a vine brought over from an Asian country and it took over the south.  It will choke out every living plant in the area if you let it grow, and it grows fast.  The shop also signs up artisans to instruct classes on different types of crafts and art techniques.  However, their main focus isbarn quilts.
What are barn quilts?  I asked that too.  I do not know about other areas, but in the south decorating a barn is not unheard of.  A barn quilt is a large square of wood with a quilt pattern painted on it and hung on a barn.  Taproot Artisans use to give tours of the area barn quilts.  This is a lovely drive through the country side stopping at farms and with beautiful barn quilts.  I say  use to because the owner recently passed away and legalities are still being sorted out.  But Janet Harriman is running the website at, and she is running tours.  If you know people who like that sort of thing or just like to be toted about the country side sight-seeing, go to the web page and ask Janet about a tour.
taproot artisans20130315_133520 If you are a NC artisan, especially one in the Iredell or Davie county area, get in touch with Janet and ask her about some of the spots that feature NC arts and crafters.  You never know where networking will take you.  There is also an event coming up April 19th called Art Crawl.  It will be from 5:30 to 8:30 in downtown Statesville, that is a Friday.  Janet Harriman will be there featuring a few of the artisans and if I have not left the area I may be there with her.
I must close for today.  I have a long list of things to do and people to contact.  Enjoy your Easter weekend or the coming of Spring whatever is you fancy.  Happy Wanderings.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some Good News But Still Here

Sorry to have not written in days.  I have been busy researching and writing my final paper for I/O Psychology class.  I am also feeling a little under the weather.  Every time people smoke in the house I end up with sinus problems.  Thank you Matthew Karsten of for making me laugh.  I am a follower of Matthew’s travel blog and Matthew really loves his animals.  You should check it out.  I have also been enjoying and http:.//  I am trying to loosely map out some destinations for the U. S. and Canada.  I have also been wondering how Nora Dunn of the has been healing after her motorbike accident.As you can see I do have my research go to’s.  These are my main forums for ideas and information and they have been extraordinarily helpful.
I bet you are wondering what my good news is.  My good news is Jonathan and I have decided on June 6, 2013 as our date of departure.  There is always that chance that things will come slamming together and we will be able to shoot out of here sooner.  We are not rushing it, because we want to give ourselves the best chance at making it.  Jonathan wants to stick around for his sister’s birthday, as well.  I can understand that.  They are very close and Jonathan is just that thoughtful of a man.  For the female readers, he is single.
The next good news is the van.  It is just a minivan, but it will travel more comfortable than my Nissan or Jon’s little truck.  This is a picture of the van.
I think we need to name it.
I think we need to name it.
This is a picture of what we would like to travel in.
Comfort and space? You think?
w Comfort and space? You think?
Aw well, you get what you get, and you don’t pitch a fit.  I figure we will learn real quick whether or not our friendship can with stand my snoring.  He has no clue how I can bend the walls, poor guy.  Really, he has no idea what he has gotten himself into (I laugh).
So, June 6th it is and I will be counting down the days.  There are 69 to go and I am so anxious.  In the mean time I am still working on culling out my nonsense.  I have made progress, but I am not ready to show it yet.  I would like everything I own to fit in the trunk of my car.  When we go over seas everything I own will have to fit in a backpack.  That is the trip I am most excited about.  My two most wanted destinations are to visit Thailand (my favorite food) and to return to Italy (my favorite food).  The closer it gets the more I want to be on the road, so I am thinking that in a few weeks I may head down closer to Jonathan and couch surf with a friend of mine.  the wandering spirit is brewing in my soul, I can barely contain myself.
Happy Wanderings.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Where In The World


Rate This

It is 0848 hours and I am wide awake.  I just went to bed at 0400 hours.  My nephews never sleep past 0730 on any given day, so I am not sure how they did not wake me before 0800 hours.  Yep, I have been awake since 0800 hours.  Amazingly enough they are not screaming, crying, and trying to beat each other up.  These four guys can go at like alley cats if you do not catch them.

They look innocent, right?  NOT!
Any how, I was laying here listening to them talking and beginning to get rowdy with all these ideas running through my head.  It is like my mental syrup has been warmed up and is flowing out my ears.  You see, it is pouring down rain here in the N. C. Foothills and I had wanted to get out and take pictures today.  I am hyper active and I usually have multiple projects going to keep me busy.  I need to continue culling my possessions, I am crocheting a bag, I am working on a paper for I/O Psychology class, and well that just is not enough to keep me busy today.  Then it occurred to me, Jonathan and I have not decided where we want to go when we finally do leave the Americas.  I nearly gave my self a headache visualizing all the places I want to see.  Then I had a brain fart!  How about helping us decide?
I am serious.  Have you traveled?  Do you have a favorite destination?  Tell us about it.  Help us decide where to go.  We would like to know where you went and what you liked about it.  I will mention you on this blog and put up a picture you send me.  If I get to many I will put up multiple blogs until I get everyone’s ideas in.  This might be an undertaking, but it will be fun and interesting to see.  That is if anyone sends anything.  Come on, play with me and help me stay busy until we leave.  I may end up being sorry for this quest.  You will also be helping me to learn how this blogging stuff works.  Come ooooonnnnn!  It is also free advertisement for your blog.  Because I do not mind sharing space I will put up your suggestion, pictures, and site address.
That was my idea for the day and now that the house is quiet I need to get packing (I”m really going back to sleep with sound of rain on the tin roof).  Happy Wanderings.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Good News, Hard Decisions

You see the picture above?  That is my dream, to see amazing places like this, meet colorful people along the way, eat exotic foods, and experience life.  I want to be apart of, not sit by and watch it.  As I have said in previous posts, my buddy Jonathan and I are readying to put ourselves out there.  Well, after a week of silence (yeah, sure you were busy at work) Jonathan messaged me and told me he had worked a deal for a van and we would have it in two weeks ( you are forgiven).  So I am up here in my drafting old farmhouse bedroom, silently (no I have not told my family) dancing my happy butt off.  YES! YES! We are one more step closer!! NA NA NANA NA NA!!!  Pa Pa Dooby do do da!!!  Now that made freezing my fat butt off all worth the wait.
That was good news number 1.  Good news number 2 is I completed my taxes and that will give me half a year.  Now comes the decision-making, and it is never easy.  First decision is to sale my lovely car.  I have a 99 Nissan Maxima that is probably the best car I have ever had.  It is in excellent condition, drives like a dream, and gets gas mileage like nobodies business.  I'm hoping the sale will get me three to four more months.  Did I mention it has only 91 thou on it.
Next decision is how to rid myself of material possessions when I do not have much to begin with.  When you are a woman on your own moving furniture can be a problem.   I did not have much and I had to leave it behind when I came to Harmony.  You would think that would make getting rid of the rest easy.  I never thought my clothes and crafting supplies would mean so much to me.  I am trying to figure out how to keep my sewing machine and yarn.  Having a van is going to make keeping some stuff easier, but the bulk will have to go.  The hardest part is I am a DIYer and I can always see another useful thing I can make or do with something if I just had the time.  If I cannot sell it I want to give it to someone who can really use it.  I hate waste.  Then I think to myself "I want to travel even more than I love my six inch heels, crocheting, making quilts, and having my nails done" and I get back to work sifting through the nonsense in my life.
I have messaged my niece and she will be keeping family heirlooms and important papers for me.  Most of the stuff I will just give to them.  The rest I will leave here with my brother.  Now that I have written it all out it seems much easier.  I need to just go through and throw out some clothes and shoes and box up the rest to ship to my nieces.  I am so glad you all could help me with this.  I just wish you were here to help me pick and choose.
Besides the mattress I am sitting on, this is all I own.  I just thought of an encouraging thought.  If I get rid of it all I do not have to wash it all.  Can you imagine only having to wash one load of laundry once a week.  Hey I might try bathing in laundry soap every night then hang them out to dry on the van.  That would take care of the laundry and bathing.  I am just kidding! Come on, I'm allergic to bathing, I will just do the laundry.  Alright then I need to get back to working on this mess.
Happy Wanderings!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Harmony, NC

This is the view from the Tomlinson Moore Family Park in Harmony, NC.  Although I am not in the mountains it feels like I am on top of one.  It kind of reminds me of living in Montana in that the sky feels so close.  As you can see from the picture the view just goes on and on.

Now I have to be here for a bit longer and decided to take a look around town and blog about what I find.  One of the nicest things about this town is the Tomlinson Moore Family Park.  It is not very big, about an acre or so.  But it sits where you can look out at this scenery pictured above.  The day I took this picture is was still very cold here, but since that day it has warmed up and this scene is now looking greener.  I can imagine that in the fall is a riot of color and just stunning to view.

Like I said Tomlinson Park is a really sweet little park with just enough room for everything.  There is a shelter with about ten picnic tables, grill, water fountain, port-a-potty, playground, horse shoe pit, volley ball net, and paved walking path around the whole thing so that you can get your exercise and still watch the kids.  The whole place is surrounded by a split rail or chain link fence, shrubs and trees that make it very lovely.

I was very surprised that it stays so clean.  Across from the park is the welcome center that I am told locals can rent for events.  It would make a beautiful spot to have a wedding or reunion.
  Although, I think I would prefer to make this an outdoor event given the view and all the amenities at this place.  Here are some more picture of the park.

Yes, I need a something better than my phone to take pictures with.  But way out there is the horse shoe pits and a bench or two to watch from.  I also forgot the wood fencing in the back.  But it very lovely and probably one of the towns best features.

So long for now and happy wanderings.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

How I am Preparing For My Adventures

Doing Your Homework

Part of preparing for anything is the planning process.  Even getting up for the day has a plan.  You might think that you just roll out of the bed, shower, and get dressed, but that is not the case.  From the time you begin your life your parents/care givers model the behavior that teaches you how to live your life.  That is Psychology 101.  Subconsciously you have a plan for what to do when you get up in the morning.  If that were not true, do you think that when the weekend comes you would have to tell yourself to sleep in?  When you tell yourself to sleep in, you make another plan. So before undertaking this journey my partner and I need a plan.  In order to make a plan we have to research and learn what it is we need to make this a success.

A lot of good resources are online and free.  Plan on reading and reading a lot.  This was some sage advise from Nora Dunn of  I started by brainstorming words for what I wanted to do and the life I wanted to lead.  I started searching ideas like "making a living online", "how to travel and make money", "living green",  "living like a globe trekker".  I know it sounds funny, but the ideas that you have can lead you to where you need to be.

 I began to find buzz words for what I wanted to do.  One of those words is "location independent".  Well, it is actually two words, but let us push on.  Location independent means being able to conduct business from where ever you are in the world.  Now that sounded like something I needed to be able to do if I wanted to travel.  If you have a skill that you can translate into an online business or commodity to be sold, then you can generate an income that will help pay your way.

Finding your talent is something you have to do.  Just like I am trying to find mine.  I am ever hopeful that it is something I love to do like reading and writing.  I could read books for a living.  That will be my next search.  I will let you know how it is coming along.  Happy Travels.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I started my life out traveling. I was born in a foreign country, because my father wanted his children to know something of the world.  That is what he told me.  When he realized that a military career could educate his children to other cultures he took advantage of the ability to travel within his chosen profession.  I grew up traveling around Europe.  So I have my father to thank for my wandering spirit and my mother for nurturing it, may they be blessed in their after life.  Even after we returned to the states (U.S.A.) my father kept a National Geographic Magazine subscription for as long as I can remember.

I never lost the love of exploring.  I am forty eight and I have spent my life moving from one place to the other under the guise of bettering myself or changing careers.  I even began online courses two years ago to complete my degree to get a better job so I could afford to ride a camel in Morocco or go deep sea diving in Greece.  Still, I was not happy.

Feeling unhappy, alone, and isolated working twelve hour shifts at night and seeing my grades fall, I decided to make yet another career change.  This time, with all good planning, the deal fell apart and I could not fix it.  I found myself sick, jobless, homeless, and penniless.  Thanks to my brother I found temporary shelter and food with him and his family in Harmony, North Carolina, where I am at the moment.  Here is where I realized that nothing was going to make me happy until I full filled some dreams of my own.  Dreams that belonged only to me and that no one else understood, because they could not feel the draw of need, the pull on my heart to do them.

My dream is to see the world, because long range space flight has not been invented for humans, yet.  I decided that instead of watching reruns of Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Gallactica, Globe Trekker, Rick Steve and Ruddy Maxa, I needed to go on my own trek.  I loved Julia Roberts in "Eat, Pray, Love" (read it two years ago then cried through the movie, alone) and I can relate to the author's state of mind in that she felt empty and had nothing to offer her family and friends.  How can a person be supportive in mind, body, and soul for family and friends when their mind, body, and soul is not supporting self?

So starts the beginning of my adventures.  I decided since I have to be here in Harmony, NC for a bit longer that I would start my blog about my stay here and how plans are coming along to get moving down the road.  Also, there is another person that will be joining me and I have to give time for all their ducks to get lined up.  I hope you will stay tuned and give me your insights, thoughts, and opinions on anything you deem relevant and to the Wanderers I hope to be joining you soon, so save two places around the fire for me.