Monday, June 3, 2013

Water Fun In The Falls

I have been hanging out here in Akron, Ohio doing the family thing and getting my health back.  While driving from one family member's house to another, I was complaining to my niece that I needed to get on the ball and do something akin to work.  It was a very hot day, but that did not stop us from rolling the windows down as we passed Schwebel.  Schwebel is the local bakery factory where they make the most amazing smelling breads.  The smell travels all over the area.  Now who does not like the smell of fresh-baked bread?  Like I said it was a scorcher of a day and we rolled down the windows just to smell the bread
As we headed up the hill we spotted this little scene going on.
downtown falls area 005
Looked like fun to me!  So, I suggested we get home and unpack the car and head back downtown so my great-niece could experience some water fun, city style.  This lovely little bit of a downtown area is just off Ohio Hwy. 8.  It is called The Falls.  It is not really part of the city of Akron or Cuyahoga Falls, but some where in between.  From where I was standing at the water fountains I could look across the river and highway 8 to see the Schwebel factory.  I envy the people who get to work and live right here, because they get to smell that wonderful bakery.  That is it in the distance with the red lettering.
downtown falls area 003
I brought my camera just in case there was something interesting to see.  I was not disappointed.  This stretch of town is about five blocks long and divided up by several main roads.  Not all of the building are occupied, but there is plenty of parking and it is just a block down the hill from the Falls Public Library.  Right at the fountains I spotted this working clock tower.  Had I not been distracted by my great-niece I would have noticed that the bottom is a glass case showing the clock works.
downtown falls area 001downtown falls area 004
Below you can see the Falls Towne Centre  and a three-story event hall.  The event hall has a  huge balcony and patio area and with the large open square, amphitheatre, and fountains I can just image that it would make a beautiful setting for a wedding or special event.
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In the above pictures you can see the amphitheatre.  Just behind and down the stairs you can enjoy a walk along the river. It features a paved walking path and benches spaced out along the way.  I was amazed at how clean the area was with all the kids hanging around.  Down behind the amphitheatre, just out of sight the city has provided very clean portapotties.
downtown falls area 047 downtown falls area 051
There were a few art shops along the main walkway.  This one pictured above caught my eye with the textile art.  Also, I thought it lovely that they provided cafe tables and rocking chairs to sit at, just outside the store front.  We found another large fountain at one end of the walk and a round stair case leading up to yet another parking structure.  It was getting dark and we were famished, dragging along a five year old who was getting a bit testy, bless her heart.
downtown falls area 061 downtown falls area 057
The most fun we had this day was sitting and watch the kids run through the fountains.  I think the city made a wise choice in setting this up.  There benches and picnic tables set up around the fountains and a small concession stand not yet open.  People came and went.  Some stopping to watch then continue on their walk and some brought their children for some summer fun in the water.  We stayed until 8 p.m. when little lips turned blue, fingers and toes were all pruned, and shivers needed a warm towel.
downtown falls area 042 downtown falls area 028
Next time you are in the area check out the Falls Towne Centre for some water fun in the Falls.
Happy Wanderings.

1 comment:

  1. Went to see a ccr tribute band at the amphitheatre last summer with son daughter in law and 3 grandkids. Poured down the rain, we all got soaked, but had an awesome time. Great place to have fun.
