Monday, June 24, 2013

Should Trademarks Come Standard With a Blog Now?

I do not count myself as one of the elite in the travel writing community.  In fact I am not quite a member, yet.  But I do know that Corporations never lose, unless we all stand together and fight.  As Americans we are instilled with the will to fight against oppression, to promote fairness and equality, and to persevere in the face of adversity.  We gripe at how our country has fallen by the way side and the little man is again being trampled on by our own people in the name of greed.  Well, here is your chance to help one of your own.  If you are a blogger you can make your voice heard.
Turner Barr is "Around the World in 80 Jobs" .  Adecco is a major corporation that claims to care about youth unemployment.  What they should care about is teaching the youth ethics, as well.  Adecco stole Mr. Barr's brand "Around the World in 80 Jobs" for a marketing campaign.  What can you do?  Research  a little.  Check out Turner Barr and check out Adecco and what they have to say about Turner on their own facebook page.  Then do what you do on every site you have, but do not forget to let Adecco know how you feel about it.  Twitter #makeitright and #80jobs.
By helping Turner Barr you help yourself.  No one should have their heart and soul stolen from them.  Most of us, yes us, have a passion for what we do.  We have found our happiness and we need to protect it.  Put the shame were the blame belongs, right in the lap of Adecco.  Read Adecco's facebook page and how they want to compromise with Mr. Barr.  Why should a man compromise with a thief?  Use your words wisely, my friends.
I have to add that they did not just steal his idea, they stole his likeness and personality.  Watch and decide for yourselves.  I tell you this because I know that you are not mindless idiots and can make this determination for yourselves.
Happy Wanderings.

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