Sunday, June 30, 2013

Moving On

crap photos biding time 014
I am headed back to Berlin Lake for two days, maybe one.  Probably one.  Then it is on the road again!  Yes!!  On the “F-bomb” road again!!  I know this is right or I would not be so excited about it.  The plan is to take the scenic route south and turn left in Virginia.  I have a need to explore.  I do not know how long it will take me to travel south and I do not care.
I did not get my money back from the unnamed cell company, yet.  A very small word with great possibilities, that word “yet”.  I found out they owe me more money than I thought.  That was some good news.  Then a little birdie told me to grab an opportunity and that put a few bucks in my pocket.  Enough to point me south on a scenic route and allow me to take my time.  Ain’t life grand!
My family is worried.  They think I am crazy.  All I can say is that I am happiest when I am on the go.  I will miss them, but I have to go.  You know how I feel.  There is a path.  No one can see it, not even you, but you know it is there.  I want the road less traveled, the road most traveled, sometimes traveled, and occasionally traveled.  I am so “F-bomb” excited I would dance around the apartment, but it might upset my nieces.  I am going to miss them terribly.  Crazy girls!  I think all of my nieces and nephews inherited my Dad’s sense of humor.  We are subject to break out in nuttiness at anytime.
I have had a great time here.  Who would not want to hang with a bunch of people who make you piss yourself laughing.  With my family the rule of thumb is to always wear your depends when out in public.  Even the most mundane thing can become a source of hilarity.  Lord love a duck, don’t anyone have gas or be in a bad mood, you become the object of their attention.  As my sister would say, “It’s FFF(Forced Family Fun), so put your big girl panties on and deal with it.”
But truthfully I want to jump up and down, dance on the furniture, and sing “On the Road Again”!  So a couple of days at Berlin Lake and this time I will be hiking, no matter the weather.  I plan on stopping through the mountains in Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia to hike.  Then turn left and hit the beaches and small towns the rest of the way.  Finding free campsites is a must.  Having a few things to accomplish along the way adds some purpose to the adventure.  A friend of mine suggested GEO Cashing, but that sounds like to much side tracking to find things.  I should have enough to keep me busy with finding WiFi to do my school work.  I wish they would give me credit for these adventures.
Soooo, stay tuned and I hope to add something to this blog nearly everyday.
Happy Wanderings.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Should Trademarks Come Standard With a Blog Now?

I do not count myself as one of the elite in the travel writing community.  In fact I am not quite a member, yet.  But I do know that Corporations never lose, unless we all stand together and fight.  As Americans we are instilled with the will to fight against oppression, to promote fairness and equality, and to persevere in the face of adversity.  We gripe at how our country has fallen by the way side and the little man is again being trampled on by our own people in the name of greed.  Well, here is your chance to help one of your own.  If you are a blogger you can make your voice heard.
Turner Barr is "Around the World in 80 Jobs" .  Adecco is a major corporation that claims to care about youth unemployment.  What they should care about is teaching the youth ethics, as well.  Adecco stole Mr. Barr's brand "Around the World in 80 Jobs" for a marketing campaign.  What can you do?  Research  a little.  Check out Turner Barr and check out Adecco and what they have to say about Turner on their own facebook page.  Then do what you do on every site you have, but do not forget to let Adecco know how you feel about it.  Twitter #makeitright and #80jobs.
By helping Turner Barr you help yourself.  No one should have their heart and soul stolen from them.  Most of us, yes us, have a passion for what we do.  We have found our happiness and we need to protect it.  Put the shame were the blame belongs, right in the lap of Adecco.  Read Adecco's facebook page and how they want to compromise with Mr. Barr.  Why should a man compromise with a thief?  Use your words wisely, my friends.
I have to add that they did not just steal his idea, they stole his likeness and personality.  Watch and decide for yourselves.  I tell you this because I know that you are not mindless idiots and can make this determination for yourselves.
Happy Wanderings.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hiking in Cuyahoga Falls Area

This is a shot of the creek bed along the hiking path.  Locals use this as a walking/running path, since it runs along or across from a few picnic areas.  It is a state-run park area, but there were no signs stating I had to stick to the path “OR ELSE”.  Sooooo, I went exploring!!
I hiked up in past the tree line and I was surprised at how dense the foliage is.  It was a partly cloudy day with periods of sunshine and light showers.  Nothing to make you stay in the house, if you have a hoodie.  Personally, I am made of agave nectar and some lovely aromatic spices, so I slung a ball cap on and hoofed it up over the next hill.  The further in I went the darker my surroundings became.  I felt like the forest was engulfing me in its peace and tranquility.  The only sounds I could hear were the bird’s chorus and some rustling of the leaves as small critters foraged about.
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In different areas I came in close to the creek and some small falls.  I am a water lover.  Sitting on a giant rock listening to the water rush over the falls and gurgle a path passed the river rocks can enthrall me for hours.  It is these moments and scenes when I most wish for an excellent camera.  One that can take nearly microscopic photos and zoom into the smallest or farthest places.  My thoughts at that moment where of hidden places behind the falls.  We have all seen movies with caves and tunnels behind megalithic falls.  I want to see behind the tiny ones.  Are there dry spots or tiny caves behind the miniature versions?005003

For me, a walk in the forest is like a visit to fairy land.  I love the small hidden places.004

Next time you are in the Akron area and you need some time with nature, drive down the road until you see a sign like this one.
Then park and begin your commune.  I was happily lost for two hours and covered about seven miles.  I simply walked until I became tired and headed back in the direction of the trail.  If you are not familiar with hiking I would always keep the main trail in view so that you do not truly become lost.
Happy Wanderings.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lakeside Campground in Ohio

View from Bridge
View from Bridge
“Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink” (Coleridge, 1772-1837).  Nope, not a drop to drink, but a whole lot to boat, fish, and swim in!  This is Berlin Lake in Ohio where I have been invited to stay and play for a few days.  Thank you to my sister and her husband who have a campsite here.
Lakeside Campground on Bedell Road.
Lakeside Campground on Bedell Road.
Lakeside Campground is a fun place to camp during the summer months.  Tenants bring their RV’s or campers and set up on a site in the park.  They are permitted to leave the RV or camper all year.  With prior approval, the tenants are permitted to place or build on the site, buildings, decks, and shelters.  As the sign above says they have boat storage, but also access to the lake.
Campground Moto
Campground Moto
Life at the park is laid back and fun with just a few rules so that everyone can get along, be curteous and relax.051
The camp store is the office
The camp store is the office
052053054055056At the front of the park there are two huge fields with some large trees where kids and dogs run around playing frisbee and football.  Also, just behind the store there is a very large play ground complete with those molded plastic toys that toddlers love and a pirate ship.  For the older kids and some adults there is a net for playing volleyball or badmiton.
What I like about the park is that everyone has their own flair.  What I mean is that each campsite is different from the next.  Some are simple and pretty.  While others are lavish, even gaudy.  You can tell who has the sense of humor and who is a Jimmy Buffet fan.063062071074066076It is a bit hard to see, but these people built the building completly around camper.  It is the beginning of the season and things are not yet in full swing.  Also, it is a bit quieter during the week.  My sister tells me that on the weekend they open up the doors to the barn and have large parties with live music.  Just a warning, drinking is allowed all over the park but you must behave or be kicked out.
The Barn
The Barn
Yep, check out that sweet ride.  Golf carts are the main mode of transport in the park.  In the evening people grab their favorite drink and hop on the cart to go visiting around the park.  Park edicate is to nod or throw up a hand in a friendly hello as carts go by  your site, and do not forget to smile a lazy smile to show how relaxed and laid back you are. Looks really, right?  079
Now and again you will see some small wildlife around the camp.  Had I been quicker on the draw with a better camera I could have shown you a raccoon, gopher, chipmunk, and a beautiful cardinal.  May be I can do that next time.  I had plans to head down to Florida next week, but I was invited to stay at the lake Monday – Friday.  I love a donated stay!!  I think I will save the water shots for the next blog. If you are interested, I did see some sites up for sale.  The phone number for the campground is on the first picture.
.030Looks like a good day out on the water.  Happy Wanderings.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Camping at Lakeside, Berlin Lake, Ohio

View from Bridge
View from Bridge
"Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" (Coleridge, 1772-1837).  Nope, not a drop to drink, but a whole lot to boat, fish, and swim in!  This is Berlin Lake in Ohio where I have been invited to stay and play for a few days.  Thank you to my sister and her husband who have a campsite here.
Lakeside Campground on Bedell Road.
Lakeside Campground on Bedell Road.
Lakeside Campground is a fun place to camp during the summer months.  Tenants bring their RV's or campers and set up on a site in the park.  They are permitted to leave the RV or camper all year.  With prior approval, the tenants are permitted to place or build on the site, buildings, decks, and shelters.  As the sign above says they have boat storage, but also access to the lake.
Campground Moto
Campground Moto
Life at the park is laid back and fun with just a few rules so that everyone can get along, be curteous and relax.051
The camp store is the office
The camp store is the office
052053054055056At the front of the park there are two huge fields with some large trees where kids and dogs run around playing frisbee and football.  Also, just behind the store there is a very large play ground complete with those molded plastic toys that toddlers love and a pirate ship.  For the older kids and some adults there is a net for playing volleyball or badmiton.
What I like about the park is that everyone has their own flair.  What I mean is that each campsite is different from the next.  Some are simple and pretty.  While others are lavish, even gaudy.  You can tell who has the sense of humor and who is a Jimmy Buffet fan.063062071074066076It is a bit hard to see, but these people built the building completly around camper.  It is the beginning of the season and things are not yet in full swing.  Also, it is a bit quieter during the week.  My sister tells me that on the weekend they open up the doors to the barn and have large parties with live music.  Just a warning, drinking is allowed all over the park but you must behave or be kicked out.
The Barn
The Barn
Yep, check out that sweet ride.  Golf carts are the main mode of transport in the park.  In the evening people grab their favorite drink and hop on the cart to go visiting around the park.  Park edicate is to nod or throw up a hand in a friendly hello as carts go by  your site, and do not forget to smile a lazy smile to show how relaxed and laid back you are. Looks really, right?  079
Now and again you will see some small wildlife around the camp.  Had I been quicker on the draw with a better camera I could have shown you a raccoon, gopher, chipmunk, and a beautiful cardinal.  May be I can do that next time.  I had plans to head down to Florida next week, but I was invited to stay at the lake Monday - Friday.  I love a donated stay!!  I think I will save the water shots for the next blog. If you are interested, I did see some sites up for sale.  The phone number for the campground is on the first picture.
.030Looks like a good day out on the water.  Happy Wanderings.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Water Fun In The Falls

I have been hanging out here in Akron, Ohio doing the family thing and getting my health back.  While driving from one family member's house to another, I was complaining to my niece that I needed to get on the ball and do something akin to work.  It was a very hot day, but that did not stop us from rolling the windows down as we passed Schwebel.  Schwebel is the local bakery factory where they make the most amazing smelling breads.  The smell travels all over the area.  Now who does not like the smell of fresh-baked bread?  Like I said it was a scorcher of a day and we rolled down the windows just to smell the bread
As we headed up the hill we spotted this little scene going on.
downtown falls area 005
Looked like fun to me!  So, I suggested we get home and unpack the car and head back downtown so my great-niece could experience some water fun, city style.  This lovely little bit of a downtown area is just off Ohio Hwy. 8.  It is called The Falls.  It is not really part of the city of Akron or Cuyahoga Falls, but some where in between.  From where I was standing at the water fountains I could look across the river and highway 8 to see the Schwebel factory.  I envy the people who get to work and live right here, because they get to smell that wonderful bakery.  That is it in the distance with the red lettering.
downtown falls area 003
I brought my camera just in case there was something interesting to see.  I was not disappointed.  This stretch of town is about five blocks long and divided up by several main roads.  Not all of the building are occupied, but there is plenty of parking and it is just a block down the hill from the Falls Public Library.  Right at the fountains I spotted this working clock tower.  Had I not been distracted by my great-niece I would have noticed that the bottom is a glass case showing the clock works.
downtown falls area 001downtown falls area 004
Below you can see the Falls Towne Centre  and a three-story event hall.  The event hall has a  huge balcony and patio area and with the large open square, amphitheatre, and fountains I can just image that it would make a beautiful setting for a wedding or special event.
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In the above pictures you can see the amphitheatre.  Just behind and down the stairs you can enjoy a walk along the river. It features a paved walking path and benches spaced out along the way.  I was amazed at how clean the area was with all the kids hanging around.  Down behind the amphitheatre, just out of sight the city has provided very clean portapotties.
downtown falls area 047 downtown falls area 051
There were a few art shops along the main walkway.  This one pictured above caught my eye with the textile art.  Also, I thought it lovely that they provided cafe tables and rocking chairs to sit at, just outside the store front.  We found another large fountain at one end of the walk and a round stair case leading up to yet another parking structure.  It was getting dark and we were famished, dragging along a five year old who was getting a bit testy, bless her heart.
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The most fun we had this day was sitting and watch the kids run through the fountains.  I think the city made a wise choice in setting this up.  There benches and picnic tables set up around the fountains and a small concession stand not yet open.  People came and went.  Some stopping to watch then continue on their walk and some brought their children for some summer fun in the water.  We stayed until 8 p.m. when little lips turned blue, fingers and toes were all pruned, and shivers needed a warm towel.
downtown falls area 042 downtown falls area 028
Next time you are in the area check out the Falls Towne Centre for some water fun in the Falls.
Happy Wanderings.