Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Last Day At Hatteras

This was my good morning to me.
This was my good morning to me.
I listened to the waves roaring and crashing last night.  It is like being rocked to sleep.  Then I went out on the beach this morning and walked, took pictures, stuck my toes in the sand, walked in the water (can you say brrrrr!), laid my towel out, and promptly fell asleep.  This evening I am lobster woman (ow, ow).  I feel better and that is what counts.
The dunes and ocean on the ocean side of the island.
The dunes and ocean on the ocean side of the island.
What would make this an even better trip?  Weeeeelllll,  having a friend to share it with would make it better.  I am more daring when I have someone else with me.  I did not stay at the camp today.  No, I went driving down the road to the dunes and took pictures, after my nap.  I had dinner at a pizza place.  It was very good.  But I can see this being easier with a friend, someone to plan and share the experience with.  I will tell you that if you plan on visiting the Outer Banks, either pack your own food and a way to cook it or bring lots of money.  Even breakfast will cost you a mint.  I went and bought a box of granola bars, but bought my coffee at a local cafe.  Next time I’ll bring groceries and actually hook up the camp stove.
Sea treasure.
Sea treasure.

I do know that next time I will have an all-weather tent and a heater or I will just bite the bullet and get a cabin.  If the wind would stop or the weather would warm up it would not be so bad.  During the day it is lovely, but right now I am bundled up and my tent is doing the shimmy and shake, keeping up with the best of the strippers.
day 2 hatteras 041
I rearranged the contents of the car today.  Mind you, I have items to leave at my nieces for safe keeping and things I just cannot part with, yet.  In doing this I came across two winter coats that I am using to further pad the not so inflatable, self inflating bed pad.  I also found another quilt, and a ruck sac of yarn to use as a pillow.  I should be snug as a bug when I get between the covers.
Tomorrow I head out of here.  I will get on the road early and head to Akron, Ohio. Another new experience awaits.  May not be the beach, but it is something new.
Sunset over the inlet water way.  Happy Wanderings.
Sunset over the inlet water way. Happy Wanderings.

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