Friday, May 31, 2013

Applying To Be A Writer

In order to travel full-time I need a full-time travel income.  From all my research on the subject, and yes I read the full blog, working from my laptop seems to be the consensus of how to work and travel.  I have no problem with the concept of a portable office.  The problem is what do I do and how do I get the jobs?  I like to write, I write a lot of papers for my psychology and social/criminal justice classes.  Although I like to take my time with  my school work, I can put out a cited ten page paper in either my psychology or social/criminal justice classes in two hours and make a great grade.
What did I do?  I began searching the internet for writing jobs.  I have not found many sites, but most that I found gave advice and guidelines.  I want to do well at whatever I do so I read every that I thought might be of help.  A few sites I found asked for a degree of some sort in order to qualify.  I have another year to complete for my BA in psychology and a minor in social and criminal justice. I did not apply at those sites.  Finally, I applied at a site!  They weren’t taking anyone at the moment due to training a new recruits.  But they would get back to me in a couple of weeks if they liked my application!  Some promise, maybe, I will accept that you are busy.  At least they were polite enough to email me back.
Then I found another spot.  Well, well, they are taking writers now!  Oh my, I even qualify!  Now, what has happened so far in the application process is that you fill out the application and submit it.  Within about five days an email arrives telling you a little about the company and how they process applications.  If they like your application you are asked to take a writing assessment.  I had never written professionally.  I did not know what writing for content was and I still need to research the topic.  However, I did take the writing assessment for this company and submitted it on time.  I then received an email stating that it was being reviewed.  After a few days I received another email stating that the content was original and had passed their stringent review.  The email also stated that the assessment would be passed onto the customer for their input and that there could possibly be some changes they might want to make.  I was informed that the customer had five days in which to submit their changes.  That was over six weeks ago.
The pleasant  and understanding person that I am waited, and waited, and waited.  Then I got mad, because at this point they are just being rude.  I exhausted time and effort researching and writing this piece the least you could do is be honest and turn me down.  What did I do?  I went back to the site and put in a request for information on why they have not contacted me, a week and a half ago.  Really, really rude people.  Disrespectful and dishonest at the least.  I would just about guess that they kept my piece and shrugged me.
There might be a silver lining after all!  The first company I applied with contacted me and I took a small survey for them.  Cross your fingers for me that I get a chance to prove myself!  That is the way you should conduct business.  If you are not open for new talent at the moment do not leave any part of the screening process open.  As an employer you would expect me to keep my word and follow through with what I tell you I will do.  I expect the same of any business.  By not following through with your own statements of action you inform me that as a business and personally you have no integrity.  At this point I no longer wish to work for you.
I wish that I could shout from the blog tops the name of this company and to inform newbies like myself to not waste their time.  However, I am not sure about the legal aspects of doing something like that.  But trust and believe if you contact me I will send you an email with their name on it.  I do not want to read a rant, I like reading good topics even if you do not write perfectly, but once in a while you just need to let off some steam.  This has been my steam letting moment.  Now that the pressure has been released let us move on.
Next topic: City sponsored watery fun for the kids!!!
Happy Wanderings.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Waiting to Launch: How to Spend My Time

I am sorry to have been away for so long.  I have been spending time with family while waiting for my partner to join me.  Time with family is a lot of sitting around talking and playing with the great nieces and nephews.  I spent time with my brother and his family in N C before I left there.
A rough lot for sure!
A rough lot for sure!
They never stop moving,
They never stop moving,
My nephews range from 4 to 9 years old and they never stop moving unless they are asleep.
I am visiting in Ohio for the moment.  I am up here staying with one of my nieces and we never stop moving.  Every day we go somewhere.  Most days it is over to the other niece’s house (her sister), we have house sat for their aunt (my sister), we spent the day with her father (my brother-in-law), and spent a couple of nights at her mom’s (my oldest sister).  What beats me is that I have not accomplished one bit of blogging.  My family is camera-shy, so what pictures I have taken I am forbidden to put on the net.  Go figure.
Still, I have managed to take a few pictures and do a few things.  One of the first things I did was order new glasses.  During the short-lived brawl out on NC hwy 24/27 my glasses disappeared.  Funny I did not notice they were gone until I got to the hotel room that night.  Normally I wear wire frames and when I order they always moan groan and complain that my lenses are to thick for wire frames.  This time I ordered thick, black, plastic frames.  Yuck!  But I am not worried about my looks, just being able to see is my concern.  I figure these will last a good long time.  I use to have glare resistant lenses.  All I can tell you about that is DON”T!  I am an avid walker and I run some (now that I am well).  Sweat will eat the coating off the lenses.  I do not use chemical cleaners, because I am allergic to so many things and I feel that they are ecologically unsound.  Vinegar is another substance that will eat the coating off your lenses.  Just a real pain the butt altogether. Besides the less you need for your lenses the cheaper they are.  I am think about purchasing an additional pair and sunglasses for the trip.
Another thing I did was cut my hair.  I am a long-haired girl at heart and it kills me to have it above my shoulder blades.  However, I thought if I cut it I could save on shampoo and conditioner.  Most of the places I want to visit are warm weather places and the long hair makes it hotter.  You see my hair is really thick and curly.
Me driving to Hatteras.
    Me driving to Hatteras.

Before the cut.
Before the cut.
So, I bit the bullet and had David cut my hair off.  David is shy, as well.  His shop is here in Akron, a place called Razor.  He does a great job and takes his time.  It took him two hours to cut my hair, but we were telling stories and laughing our butts off too.
salem 2013 029
Can you tell I’m not thrilled?  I do not mind pictures but it does not help me like them more since I have gained weight over the last six months either.  But if I want others to let me take pictures than I have to be in them myself.  When you stay with others and they feed you, you can only be so adamant about your diet and still be polite.  I eat clean, because of allergies and diabetes.  I also walk or exercise.  But for the last six months I have been ill and other influences put all that to the side.  Thank goodness for my niece!!!  My niece is a clean eater too, but after looking at this picture we decided that we needed to get more strict on ourselves.  Which leads me to the next thing I have been doing and that is eating strictly by the clean eating magazine and books.  Great recipes, by the way.  We also began doing P90 and yoga every day except Sundays.  Sundays are yoga with Rainbeau Mars’ Vinyasa Flow.  I will not be posting my workouts.  Like praying I think it is too personal.  Now cooking is something I am great at.  I will be posting some of the recipes and pictures of the foods we prepare.  Until we get on the road I need filler.  Akron is really not a meca of things to do and see.
Like I said my family is camera-shy.  I did get permission to post just a few pics of my new nephew with his new brothers.  You see my oldest niece and her husband are foster parents.  It fits.  She was always the little mommy growing up.  So this month of May we had two additions to our family.  The first was “J” (no real names allowed).  He was adopted into the family just before his second birthday.  Although very bright, J has some delays in physical development, but I am happy to say that just after his adoption and before his second birthday he began walking on his own!!  The whole family thought this was even more fantastic than the adoption.  Look at these faces.  You just have to love them.
Little Mr. J our newest love.
Little Mr. J our newest love.
Proud new parents.
Proud new parents.
Two anxious big brothers.
Two anxious big brothers.
This morning we found out that my Brother’s wife had a baby girl.  Little Miss Piper is 4 lbs 7 oz and 17 inches long.  I love huge families.  There are more people to love and to love you. Piper is the addition to the four boys in the first photo.  She is actually one of nine children.  She also has four older sisters.  My brother has a ball team, at last!  We grew up in a large family and this is just a bunch of love to us.
That is all that I have accomplished in two months.  I am ready to get on the road.  Jon and I had planned on a launch date of June 6, 2013, but trouble with the van is keeping Jon in NC for now.  I have patience for a lot of things, but not when I want to get out and go.  TRAVEL FULL TIME, LET”S GO!!  I am working on a short trip and I will let you know what pans out.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Castle in Salem, Ohio

Towers at the enterance
Towers at the entrance
When I began to feel my energy returning, my nieces and I began to wander around Salem looking for interesting sights.  My great-niece is five and after a half hour in the car she was bored.  We went looking for a park so she could get out and run off some energy.  At one small corner of the park we found a castle!
At the far end of the park we found an area with a wooden fence around it and one entrance.  That is it in the picture above.  You walk into the entrance and there are little alcoves to hide in, under the towers and all the large complexes.  The person who designed this is a genius.  Even I got excited and had to explore.  Being five foot tall I can still do that
Salem Castle playground 007.Salem Castle playground 006
My great-niece and I ran from one end of this make-believe castle to the other.  She was the little princess and I got to be the mean, ugly troll under the castle.  There where just to many places to hide and scare each other.  Each complex had an upper deck and a lower deck or a maze of open alcoves under it.  There was even a barrel on ropes to simulate a bronco ride.  Well, for us it was a ride on the castle dragon.
Salem Castle playground 001 Salem Castle playground 011
Salem Castle playground 004Salem Castle playground 005
I kind of got so busy playing that I only shot a few pictures or the pictures I shot where done so quickly that they where blurry.  Ohwell, whatcha gonna do?  We were having fun chasing each other, climbing and walking the rope bridge.  Which I nearly busted my pride on the first step across.  The person that designed this knew kids or had a great imagination.  There are poles sticking out of the ground for nothing was a comment I heard for one woman.  I asked if she were crazy cause any fool could see those poles are for chasing other kids around and running zigzag relays.  Clearly she has lost her imagination.
Salem Castle playground 013Salem Castle playground 012
We made sure we explored every complex above and below.  I chased my great-niece through all the alcoves and across that dang rope bridge until I cornered her in one of the towers.  Then punched her in the shoulder and yelled "tag your it"!   Remember those days?
Salem Castle playground 009Salem Castle playground 008
Hanging with my nieces is great fun!  I am glad I stopped here for a while.
Happy Wanderings.